This is a simple intervention that the Gottman Institute has developed that I like and recommend to many of my couples clients. Take a few moments to think about your partner’s personality. Circle three to five aspects of your partner personality from the list below and then think of specific times when your partner exhibited them. Jot your ideas down. Then share it with your partner, starting with the phrase “I appreciate…”

For example: “I appreciate when you see someone who needs help and spend your time helping them. It is very generous, and I love your generous spirit.”

This is a good intervention to do with your partner or spouse because it is focused on positivity and helps refocus you on the things you love about your partner. Be sure to stay positive. Saying “I appreciated it when you used to be nice.” won’t do your relationship any favors!

  1. Loving
  2. Sensible
  3. Brave
  4. Intelligent
  5. Thoughtful
  6. Generous
  7. Loyal
  8. Truthful
  9. Strong
  10. Energic
  11. Sexy
  12. Decisive
  13. Creative
  14. Strong
  15. Funny
  16. Interactive
  17. Considerate
  18. Careful
  19. Exciting
  20. Vulnerable
  21. Cheerful
  22. Organized
  23. Kind
  24. Witty
  25. Warm
  26. Gentle
  27. Dependable
  28. Responsible
  29. Silly
  30. Lively
  31. Relaxed
  32. Tender
  33. Sweet
  34. Powerful
  35. Flexible
  36. Practical
  37. Assertive
  38. Receptive
  39. Affectionate
  40. Resourceful