Before you and your partner take the big step of moving in together, there are a few things you want to keep in mind to ensure things go smoothly and your relationship continues to grow.

  1. Communicate openly and set expectations: Communication is key! Sit down together and talk about your expectations, boundaries, and what you hope to achieve by living together. It’s important to be open and honest about things like chores, money, personal space, and any potential issues that might come up. The more you understand each other, the smoother things will go. This helps to establish a foundation of understanding and reduces the likelihood of conflicts arising later on.
  2. Test the waters, live a little: Before diving headfirst into cohabitation, it can be helpful to spend some quality time together. Take a trip or go on a little adventure that allows you to experience each other’s quirks and habits in an extended period of time. It’s like a trial run. You’ll learn a lot about compatibility and whether you can handle being together 24/7. This ties into being patient. Just because you can get married or move in together immediately doesn’t mean you should. Take a little time in your relationship to truly get to know each other – it is difficult to do that in just a few months.
  3. Money matters, so discuss finances and create a budget: Ah, finances, the topic we can’t ignore. Sit down and have a good chat about your financial situation. Lay it all out on the table – income, expenses, debts, and savings. Then, figure out how you’re going to split the bills, handle joint expenses, and plan for the future. Additionally, consider discussing long-term financial goals, such as savings or investments, to align expectations and work towards a shared financial future. Creating a budget together will save you from potential money headaches down the line.

Relationships are unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Being open, respectful, and ready to adapt along the way will help your relationship success once you get married or move in together.